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Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood Logo

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Zeta Chi Omega Chapter

Serving the Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia communities since 1956
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Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Officers and Committee ChairmenPhoto credit B.E.A.utiful Photography


President Crystal Lander

Vice President - Veronica Jackson

Secretary - Tarsha Moses

Assistant Secretary - Kendra White

Corresponding Secretary - Erica Stallworth Simon

Treasurer - Rochelle Brown

Assistant Treasurer - Tammie Smiley

Financial Secretary - Charolette Holloway

Assistant Financial Secretary - Gloria Bell

Hostess - Camille Leverett

Sergeant of Arms Tamebra Treadwell

Parliamentarian - Joyce Putman

Graduate Advisor - Adria Tippins-Owens

Ivy Leaf Reporter - Norma Ott

Archivist - Tracie Reyes

Historian - Darlena Ricks

Standing Committees

Archives - Tracie Reyes

Awards - Jennifer Hansborough 

Bylaws Joyce Putman

Connection & Social Action - Latriece Prince-Wheeler 

Contracts - Kellie Buck

Courtesy - Camille Leverett

Directory - Kendra White

Finance - Rochelle Brown

Graduate Advisory - Adria M. Tippins-Owens

History - Darlena Ricks

Leadership Development - Katherine Coleman

Membership - Allyson Hilliard

Newsletter - Erica Stallworth Simon

Nominating - Carol Turner

Programs - Veronica Jackson

Protocol - Melissa Finney

Public Relations - Norma Ott

Risk Management - Kendra Riley

Scholarship - Diann Burns

Sisterly Relations - Tamika McPherson

Standards - Sheila Kirkwood

Technology - Christine Powell Cade

Telecommunications - Tamebra Treadwell

Ad-Hoc Committees

Audit - Barbara Bouldin

EAF (Educational Advancement Foundation) - Ronale Taylor

Metro Founders’ Day - Tammie Smiley 

IFNV POC Jennifer Creighton

Investment - Belinda Shaw

Jewels - C. Starr Garrett

Music - Eboni Jones

National Pan-Hellenic Rep. - Carla Haynes Harper

Project GiveBack Chiquita King

Rituals - Connie Greene

Spirit/Inspiration - Mauri Bishop

Strategic Planning - Kendra Gillespie

Tellers - Lisa Wilson

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Zeta Chi Omega Chapter

P.O. Box 40743
1210 S. Glebe Rd.
Arlington, VA 22204

© 2025 Copyright. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Zeta Chi Omega Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® is not responsible for the design and content of these web pages.
They are the sole property and responsibility of the Zeta Chi Omega Chapter which hosts and maintains this website. Last updated:  January 12, 2025.

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